Tuesday, 31 July 2018

3rd Edition of Comedy city

Is no longer news as comedy city 3rd Edition posters and flyers hit port Harcourt streets, Comedy city is a comic and music show that's taking port Harcourt by stormed. Don't missed out this 3rd Edition with Cash krop, Mc network, chimney, Mc Fullove, terry P, De courage Jikume  Host Mr 2ky Media Team Rwgtv, Pamdrive, fashion & me Entertainment, Trans Amadi fan Zone
Venue for the Show Live at Eclipse Hotel & lounge
#2 Oroma Close off olu Obasanjor Road Port Harcourt... Like our page Comedy city official on Facebook. For sponsorship 09028726708

Tuesday, 24 July 2018

Celebrity profile with P-Love

P-LOVE Baeawardsbestalternativesongwinner2017 invited to RwGtv for a celebrity profile interview click to see picture and invitation later...


Seriously is no longer news that the long awaited 3rd Edition of Comedy City art work is out.. Like our pace on Facebook comedy city official

Eclipse on it again

plan to attend 

Saturday, 21 July 2018

Sad News...hit TAFz RIp derby

Port Harcourt popular zone Trans amadi Fan zone has lost a friend and member Deborah nwachukwu aka Derby,

Tafz reporters gathered that she was sick and rush to the hospital where she gave up the ghost.

Derby played important roll in port Harcourt entertainment in general, Comedy videos, musical videos, and movie.

Her dead came as a shock to trans amadi fan zone this Morning, she will always remain in our heart.

I was watching her on Mr 2ky comedy video tag (trekking)

I last call her on the phone she told me she was in Lagos

RIP derby too painful to hear

Rip derby

Tuesday, 10 July 2018

Second Edition Comedy City

Breaking News information reaching our blog that the  Second Edition design of Comedy City show is out for those who miss out the first edition hear is an opportunity for you, This Edition featured two beauty queens three artists Four comedian in one show (is a must not miss out event..) Date Sunday 15th July 2018
Venue Eclipse Hotel & lounge Watch out... Like our page ComedyCityofficial