Tuesday, 18 October 2016

This hotel room sex ended up quite unexpectedly!

Just imagine: you go to a hotel and rent a room to bring your girlfriend to and have sex with her there. You anticipate much fun and get excited about the whole thing. But the story ended up for this man from China is a huge frustration!
The first part of the plan was great. And everything went fine, until the couple got busy! For some reason this man was making way too much noise during the process. Angry hotel guests from other rooms got really pissed off.
READ ALSO: This video of failed toasting is hilarious!
They gathered up in the hall way and started banging on the door. Obviously, the man managed to create a big bang night for everyone! He would not stop, so the men broke the door and got into the room. They stopped and dragged the unlucky lover out.
Eventually the police arrived and punished the man. He had to pay a fine of over 2000 US dollars for being loud in bed! Watch the video to see, how the man drove crazy a whole bunch of guests!
Hotel room sex at times ends up quite unexpectedly. Proven by this lousy lover!
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