Saturday, 25 June 2016

Corp members punished for oversleeping in camp

At the ongoing NYSC orientation exercise for batch A stream II corp members, some of them were subjected to a hilarious punishment
The corp members had overslept while others were at the parade ground. So far gone were they in their sleep that they didn’t hear the sound of the beagle and others rushing off to the parade ground.
They were caught after the soldiers went round their hostels, and rounded off to the parade ground after they were allowed to dress up in their white on white.
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However the soldiers ordered the corp members to carry their mattresses along with them. On getting to the parade ground, they were asked to put it on their heads while marching round the parade ground several times, after which they were asked to put the mattresses down and continue their sleep in the full glare of everyone present.
This took place at the dakingari NYSC orientation camp in kebbi state.

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