Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Stella Damasus slams ThisDay for alleged false news

– Following several allegations, Stella Damasus says
she did not grant any recent interview addressing her
– The actress opened up via her publicist dismissing
the recent ThisDay interview, adding that she hasn’t
spoken to any Nigerian media outfit in two years
– Stella who has also ventured into music shed light on
her recent 18-track gospel album
Nollywood actress Stella Damasus has come out to
state that she never granted This Day newspaper any
interview in what was been a trending topic in the last
week of April 2016.
According to her publicist Bayo Adetu, the actress-
turned-singer has not spoken to any Nigerian media
platform in the last two years which is why it came as a
surprise when the interview on This Day started making
the rounds.
The actress spoke further via a statement: “I can only
remember speaking to Golden Icon in an interview more
than two years ago, so I was surprised when the local
media was awash with a purported interview I granted. To
make the records straight, I didn’t grant ThisDay any
In a related report, Golden Icons has lashed This Day for
what it described as intellectual property theft.
Stella Damasus speaks on ‘controversial’ ThisDay
On Monday, May 2, Golden Icons wrote: “This action by
ThisDay is considered as plagiarism and not in line with
what they claim on their website as Truth and Reason.
This action violates common journalism practice, and it
speaks of lack of integrity and professionalism. This
Interview may have been public knowledge, but like all
academic work, all sources must be cited.
READ ALSO: Tiwa Savage receives fresh threats
following revealing interview on Tee Billz
“We love bringing the world exclusive news, and sharing
information with our numerous media partners; but we also
love recognition for our hard work! Thanks to all our media
friends that continue to share our work with millions of
viewers and we certainly hope to bring more exclusives in
the future that will continue to be credible and trustworthy.”
Stella who is reportedly based in America at present has
gone off the radar of the media since her marriage to
Nollywood producer Daniel Ademinokan. The union has
attracted severe backlashes and criticisms from both
fans and industry watchers as they say the pretty
actress ‘snatched’ another’s husband.
Recall that Ademinokan was once married to Nollywood
actress Doris Simeon, but the union crashed a few
years ago.
The ‘controversial’ interview touches on her personal
life, her recovery process from losing her first husband
Jaiye Aboderin in 2004 and her other marriages.
According to an excerpt from the This Day interview
which was allegedly lifted from Golden Icons, the
actress talked about coping after Jaiye passed. She
File photo of Daniel Ademinokan and Stella Damasus
“They say time heals. I say, I have a different definition. I
say time numbs. It is not something that heals, and then
that’s it, it’s gone; no. This is someone you planned to
spend the rest of your life with, and grow with. Then, we
made plans like every other couple. And when that
happened…he died when I was 26 with two children. I just
felt that my life had ended. So, but with time, this year,
December 3rd will be 10 years, one full decade. So it is not
healing, I won’t call it healing but I will say it numbs and
once in a while, the pain is as fresh like yesterday. But it is
how you deal with it that matters. And that’s what I have
had to do for the past 10 years. I am very grateful for the
family I have.”
On her current relationship with her third husband
Daniel Ademinokan and the allegations she ‘snatched’
him from fellow actress Doris Simeon, she said:
“Let me put it this way; let me help you hit the nail on the
head. One of the comments I have seen consistently, over
and over again is, ‘Stella snatches somebody’s husband’;
‘Stella the husband snatcher’; which is what has been going
on. And I had sworn that I would never talk about it or even
listen or stress myself about the issue. But I have decided
to talk about it now, so that I end it once and for all. First of
all, let me paint a picture for you and you let me know what
makes sense to you. Let’s go to the dictionary, when I
looked up the word snatch or steal –it means forcefully
taking something away from its original position or
forcefully from its original position to another position;
something that does not belong to you – that’s what I
gathered from the word snatch or steal. So I looked at
myself, Stella, and I wondered, how is it possible to go to
somebody’s home, and take a man, and take his son, away
from his home and say follow me. (Let’s assume) You are
a man, and according to their story, he is happily married
inside his home. With his family complete and I walk into
that home, to forcefully take a man, able-bodied man, and a
kid, away from somebody’s hand and you are there looking
at me. How does that work?
“So logically, if people actually sit down and think about it
intelligently, how do you snatch somebody from somebody
and the person is there looking at you? So when you see a
man who has settled ties with a woman and decides to
move on with his life and you feel that there is something
in this man that you like and he likes you, is there a
problem there?. I am not a kid. I am 36 years old. I am not
about to start hiding myself. I was waiting for somebody to
actually ask me this question, because all I have heard for
the past two to three years are rumours. They said, blogs
said, this said. Nobody has been bold enough to confront
me and ask me. So I say, if I steal something from
somebody, and the person is really the owner of the thing,
you come and ask me, ‘You took something from me, give
me back’. But nobody was able to do that. And I am like, if
I meet an able-bodied man that has left (his family) and
moved on; that is not even in the same house with whoever
and is not doing anything with whoever, and both parties
had decided this thing (marriage) is not going anywhere,
and they have gone their separate ways, why is it easier for
the world to blame the woman that the man has decided to
end up with? Why is it that it is always that woman that
broke that home? The two people that did things that
nobody was there; nobody said something must have
happened between the two people. It is always somebody
else that is the problem. And I always say I do not tolerate
blaming anybody for your own problems. I have had
problems. After my late husband’s death, I got married
again and the marriage didn’t work.
“After eight months, it crashed. People didn’t hear much
about it; why? We were both mature to understand that we
came together; we knew that the thing was not working
and instead of us to become enemies we will remain
friends; let’s just let it go quietly. And we let it go quietly. I
didn’t blame anybody else for doing it (for not making my
second marriage work). He didn’t blame anybody else for
doing it. So I am wondering, two people come together and
they later go their separate ways; this one meets
somebody, all of a sudden, it is that somebody that is the
problem. Did anybody ever ask, what went wrong? Why
would a man pick up his son and walk away from his
marriage? Was there any time another woman was the
problem until the man moved on with another woman?
Nobody brought up Stella’s name. Then, all of a sudden,
‘oh he’s moved on with somebody else (snaps fingers); it
must be her’. How? I am still waiting for somebody to come
with proof to say ‘oh when they were still in marriage, when
they were still in a house, you came and did this.’ So the
reason why I don’t like talking about it is that, there are
some things I would say to you and you would look at me
like ‘oh wow!’ but I don’t want to be derogatory. I don’t
want to toe the line that other people have toed by saying
bad things about people. I would never do that but the
stories started coming.
File photo of Daniel Ademinokan and Stella Damasus
“At first I ignored the stories. I just kept quiet and then it
was all over the place, Google, blogs, and I am like, one
day, one day, I would tell my story. There’s a reason why I
am respecting certain people, respecting certain legal issues
that are going on.”
The multi-talented entertainer, who just released The
Alternative, her first studio recorded album, added that
she is focused on her career and the responsibility of
inspiring every home with the creative piece.
The Alternative is an 18-track gospel album that
touches on faith, love, hope as well as the entertainer’s
personal experiences in life as well as how her
relationship with God helped her weather storms in life.
With this album, Stella hopes to use God’s words to
inspire, motivate, encourage and most importantly tell
the story of God’s love, kindness and more.
She said: “The album is not to show perfection of man but
to show God’s perfection in the life of an imperfect man.”
The 38-year-old featured Gabriel Afolayan on the track
Get Loud, while rapper JQ bounced on the song Open
Up Your Heart.
READ ALSO: After snatching colleague’s husband, what
Stella Damasus said about Doris Simeon will shock you
Stella Damasus (real name Stella Ojukwu) was born in
Asaba but grew up in Benin where she attended Idia
college and then relocated to Lagos to pursue her craft.
She eventually got a degree in Creative Arts from the
University of Lagos in 2002

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